[Music] De Mangas - My Family + It doesn't matter (to support Vivian Ijezie Chinemerem) #Arewapublisize
[Music] De Mangas - My Family + It doesn't matter (to support Vivian Ijezie Chinemerem) #Arewapublisize We are consecutive brothers,called DE MANGAS . We Compose and sing Gospel songs in order to impact our generation positively. All songs are produced in Jos, plateau state Nigeria by a Landmark producer and a distinguished engineer by name JAPHET MADO , he is from Jos and resides in Jos too. At the moment,we uploaded these songs,so that it can be downloaded by friends and well wishers in order to help in realizing 8 million naira to support one of our course mate in school, who has been suffering from Kidney failure,since February,2020. Please,download to save Vivian Ijezie Chinemerem. Each song is 100 naira only. Thanks. CLICK TO BUY THIS SONG TO SUPPORT VIVIAN IJEZIE DE MANGAS - FAMILY + IT DOESN'T MATTER OR CLICK ON THIS